Shed relocating & transport available, call or text 301-399-4513 for pricing & info
Shed relocating & transport available, call or text 301-399-4513 for pricing & info
Whether you're an experienced horticulturist or just want a head start on next years garden, our quality built greenhouse is your solution!
Electric fan, translucent roof, pressure treated floors & 2 potting benches standard in all greenhouses
Greenhouses can be customized to meet your needs. 2x3 windows standard (quantity of windows depends on size of greenhouse)
Includes: 25 year L.P. Smartsiding (engineered wood) in your choice of colors, 6 pitch roof, clear translucent roof, 16" on center 2x4 floor joists, wall studs & rafters, 1x6 pressure treated floor, pressure treated 4x4 ground skids, electric fan vent, 2x3 windows, storm door, 2 pressure treated workbenches, local delivery & set-up
8x10 $5559
8x12 $6240
8x16 $7380
10x10 $6385
10x12 $7115
10x16 $8300
10x20 $9550
12x12 $7779
12x16 $9100
12x20 $10,470
12x24 $12,285
12x28 $13,995
12x32 $15,650
Effective 2/1/25, prices subject to change in office before online