Shed relocating & transport available, call or text 301-399-4513 for pricing & info
Shed relocating & transport available, call or text 301-399-4513 for pricing & info
Gable & Ridge Vents
Included on Smartside
Upgrade Charge (standard on vinyl)
Upgrade Charge (standard on Classic)
per linear foot
Custom sizes available, standard wood ramps are width of door & 3' in length
custom ramp lengths available up to 6' in wood only
4x8 $175
4x10 $225
4x12 $265
4x14 $295
per sq. ft.
Double Bubble insulation per sq. ft.
per sq. ft.
per sq. ft.
per sq. ft.
per sq. ft.
per sq. ft.
Not available on 14' wide structures
Not available on 14' wide structures
Up to a 14x28, larger sheds $150
On top of vinyl base price
On top of vinyl base price
On top of vinyl base price
On top of vinyl base price
On top of vinyl base price
per linear foot, 3' high sheets
temporarily not available
Sheds 12' in length & longer come standard with 2 window, all Mini Barns & sheds 10' & shorter 1 window. Prices below are for additional windows.
standard on Smartside & Vinyl
standard on Classics
each, choose color
on sheds up to 12' in width
on double wide structures
does not apply to double wide structures
includes 7 pitch roof
includes 6 pitch roof
A-Frames & Quakers $3.15
Barns & Sheds w/Dormers $3.85
per sq. ft.
A-Frames & Quakers $9.10
Barns & Sheds w/Dormers $10.50
per sq. ft.
per sq. ft.
add to base price
does not apply to double wide structures
add to base price
8' & 10' wide sheds only
4x4 or 4x6 no railings or posts
includes wood rails, 2x6 deck boards
per 4' section
per sq. ft.
Standard on LP Smartside buildings
All 7' tall doors will be placed on gable end only
Single $35, double $45
Standard on ALL Classic buildings
Standard on vinyl buildings
In swing
In swing
In swing
In swing
single $35, double $45
All 12' & 24' wide garages come standard with 9x7 garage door, 10' & 20' wides 8x7 garage door standard
Effective 3/12/2024, prices subject to change